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Doctor in court: Seidenberg doping case expands


ARD Morning Magazine - 26.09.2024


His doping case shocked German sport two years ago. Yannic Seidenberg, 173-time national ice hockey player, was banned for four years. Now details of the fraud are coming to light - and the case is spreading further.

New doping discussions about Paralympics star Townsend


Paralympic Games - September 3, 2024


The US Anti-Doping Agency and its head Travis Tygart are the harshest critics of the World Anti-Doping Agency in the case of the 23 Chinese swimmers. During the Paralympics, the case of a US star is now being discussed, in which the Americans have to put up with uncomfortable questions.

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Suspicion of fraud casts shadow on Para-Judo competitions


Paralympic Games - August 29, 2024


According to ARD research, para-judokas who are supposedly blind or severely visually impaired are competing in the Paralympics under massive suspicion of fraud. The World Federation of Blind Sports is keeping quiet. Above all, there is a classification system that practically invites trickery and deception.

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WADA chief Banka rules out resignation - counter by Tygart


Sportschau Olympic Games - 10.08.2024


The WADA leadership is meeting with German sports politicians in Paris because of the scandal surrounding unsanctioned Chinese doping cases - and is facing massive criticism. USADA boss Tygart, meanwhile, counters WADA attacks in an ARD interview.

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Doping controls: Paris threatens London's horror record


Sportschau Olympic Games - 06.08.2024


The fact that hardly any dopers have been caught during the Olympic Games in Paris is no surprise in a disillusioned scene. There is no need for new doping cases on the Seine - the frustration among clean athletes can hardly get any greater now.

IOC under pressure to change the rules


Sportschau Olympic Games Paris - 02.08.2024


The Italian boxer Carini's withdrawal in the first round against an Algerian woman, whose gender is the subject of debate, is stirring up emotions among sports fans around the world.

WADA's next backroom deal


Sportschau Olympic Games Paris - 01.08.2024


There is once again severe worldwide criticism of the top rule enforcers in the fight against doping. The suspicion: preferential treatment for Chinese athletes after positive doping tests.

Spain's failure in the anti-doping fight


Sportschau Olympic Games Paris- 29.07.2024


For decades, Spain has been criticized for its half-hearted anti-doping efforts. The full extent of the failure was revealed at the Olympic Games in Paris.

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"Blatantly bad" - how Germany fails to protect young athletes


Sportschau - 08.06.2024


While sports and politics argue behind the scenes about setting up the "Center for Safe Sport", new cases of abuse are regularly made public. They show how urgently Germany needs a central contact point for violent crimes in sport.

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Doped into the dark blue hole

Sportschau - 04.02.2024

Freediving is one of the most dangerous extreme sports in the world. Now the scene is struggling with a doping problem. The world association is alarmed, not least because the number of accidents, some of which are life-threatening, is rising rapidly. Is there a connection?

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Instagram photo puts boxer Sturm in trouble


Sportschau - 17.12.2023


An apparently carelessly posted photo showing them during an infusion may have criminal consequences for professional boxer Felix Sturm and a naturopath. Research by the ARD doping editorial team shows that the level of ignorance regarding prohibited infusions appears to be alarming in the sports scene.

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"Doping substances for the whole world"


Sportschau - 04.06.2023


Follow-up research by the ARD doping editorial team on the documentary "Doping Top Secret: Dealer" about the Danish wholesaler Jacob Sporon-Fiedler provides insights into the huge extent of his steroid business .

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Million dollar lawsuit against the German swimming association


Sportschau - 19.03.2023


Former water diver Jan Hempel, who suffered years of sexual assault from his trainer, is suing the German Swimming Association for compensation and damages.


Geheimsache Doping: Herr der Heber – Wie ein olympischer Sport zerstört wird


ARD - 5. Januar 2020

Dieser Dokumentarfilm von EyeOpening.Media zeigt, wie skrupellos die olympische Sportart Gewichtheben regiert wird. Die Autoren begeben sich auf Spurensuche in das Reich des Ungarn Tamás Aján. Dieser ist ein geachtetes Mitglied der olympischen Familie und seit dem Jahr 2000 Präsident des Weltverbands IWF.
Die Welt des Gewichthebens ist nach den Recherchen eine, in der Athleten nichts zu sagen haben. Eine Welt, in der das sogenannte Antidoping-Programm zum Machtspiel verkommt.
Der Film sucht Antworten auf die Frage, wie es sein kann, dass unter dem Deckmantel des Sports ein derartiges System existiert, ja sogar floriert.

Geheimsache Doping: Spur nach Nordafrika


ARD - 3. Oktober 2019

Ist Marokko ein Paradies für Sportbetrüger? Diesem Vorwurf geht dieser Film nach. Im Zentrum steht dabei unter anderem der französische Langstreckenläufer Morhad Amdouni, Europameister 2018.

Geheimsache Doping: Brasiliens zwölfter Mann

ARD - 1. Juli 2018

Brasiliens Herz schlägt für den Fußball. Im Land des Rekord-Weltmeisters werden mit dem Sport Millionen gemacht. Brasilianische Kicker sind der Exportschlager in den Fußballligen der Welt. Es ist ein System, in dem auch dubiose Ärzte eine Rolle spielen, wie Recherchen von EyeOpening.Media belegen.

Geheimsache Doping: Russlands Fußball Freunde


ARD - 20. Mai 2018

Vom Vertuschungssystem im russischen Staatsdoping haben womöglich auch die Spieler der russischen Fußball-Nationalmannschaft profitiert. Das zeigt dieser Film, der kurz vor der Fußball-WM in Russland 2018 veröffentlicht worden ist.

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